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To Teacher Gao Hi Teacher Gao thank you for teaching my daughter, she got a 4 marks for Chinese for PSLE ( Under the old system that will be a A for PSLE) Her marks usually score about 50+ all the while as she was not good in Chinese, but after being taught by Teacher Gao, she have made tremendous improvement in her PSLE! Her marks has jump from an average of 50 plus to PSLE scoring of 75 – 79 ! She is very very happy and thanks again for your teaching !


家长:宋仁智 妈妈 K2

To Teacher Sun Fang Teacher is very approachable and friendly. Kids love to come here for classes! Keep up the good work.
家长:戴志元爸爸 P6

To 程老师 在这段时间里,孩子进步比较大,这离不开老师的精心培育。孩子的进步一点一滳都悄悄的刻在我们心里。我们非常感谢老师对孩子的教导,在学习上给孩子很大的帮助。

To 戴老师 自从加入育才补习中心孩子的高华成绩明显进步很大!育才的课程内容有一定的难度,很感谢戴老师积极用心教导!戴老师是位上课态度严谨,讲解认真、透彻,并且很有耐心能够给予孩子很多指导。也因为老师用心教导所以每位孩子的问题戴老师都很了解,考试前戴老师都会一对一很清楚的告诉每位孩子应该注意哪些时常被扣分的题目!这对孩子的帮助真的很大!所以孩子在P6的高华从PASS进步到PSLE拿到DISTINCTION ! 真心感谢戴老师对孩子的教导
Student: Song Shu Hui

She has improved a lot in her reading and writing. When she first joined the tuition centre in 2010, she could not write or read properly. They have helped her in her learning process. Their encouragement gave her confidence and made her love the Chinese language. Thank you dear teachers for your guidance and teaching.

To 戴老师 老师您好,孟璇在育才补习的时间不长,对课程我们不好做太多的评价。但上课的老师很灵活并付有责任心!因为时间等因素,虽然孟璇报的是普华课程,但老师有根据孟璇的程度,对高华的内容也给予了适当的讲解。最终孟璇在小六会考中,华文取得了令人满意的成绩。作为家长我对老师的付出表示由衷的感谢。
Student: Tiffany

To Teacher Sun fang The format of the lessons is well structured and enjoyable. Teacher Sun is excellent! She helps my daughter a lot on vocabulary and grammar, and motivated her on to earn more as well! Thank you Teacher :)

我们感到很庆幸遇到张老师为靖杰的华文补习老师,因为如此靖杰对华文有着很深厚的兴趣,从不抗拒华文. 张老师的确是一位很有耐心,很有责任感的一位老师,并能够尽所能的配合家长对学生的程度要求.我们会继续支持育才,支持张老师.

我女儿在这里补习有学到很多生字与词语,老师对学生也很有耐性.希望老师再接再厉,加油,加油,加油! 在此祝老师新年快乐,身体安康.
家长:朱雅慧 妈妈 p6

To Teacher Sun Fang A very good Chinese tuition centre with friendly teachers. The centre helps their students to learn Chinese in a better and easier approach. My girl improved tremendously and as a result she did well in her Chinese examination. This tuition centre focuses on composition, comprehension, oral, listening comprehension, MCQ, comprehension cloze. They also give spelling weekly to boost your child’s Chinese vocabulary. Recommend to students who want to learn Chinese in a fun and engaging way.
家长:宇恩和雅恩 妈妈 k1

To 祝老师 小孩们都很喜欢祝老师的课。回到家里也还会记得老师教的字,小孩也有明显的进步。

To 张迪老师 张老师是一位非常有耐心和亲切的好老师。我的儿子杰丰在张老师的教导下,华文渐渐有进步。他现在对华文也比较有兴趣了。多谢张老师的爱心教导!借此机会向你说声谢谢!

Teacher Liu is a very patient teacher. My daughter is P6 this year and she had been with Yu Cai education centre since P3. She enjoyed all the lessons so far. She had scored well for her PSLE Mandarin. Thank you for the hard work Teacher Liu。
Students: Sin Pei Ci and Sin Hui Ru

To Teacher Zhang Mdm Zhang has a unique and wonderful rapport with the parents and students of the centre. She’s loud, clear and attentive at connecting with her students and educating in a creative and engaging method. Showing confidence in the use of her knowledges, teaching and educating the students. She has excellent communication skills, which is evident when examining her success in creating strong teacher-parent relations or connecting with students who require extra care. Both my kids under her care and teaching have scored and produced excellent results in their mandarin subjects. I highly recommend her as a responsive, firm and knowledgeable excellent educator.
Student: Zin

To Teacher Zhang Di Thanks so much to Ms Zhang Di (P6 teacher) for teaching my son, Zin. Because of Ms Zhang Di’s teaching, my son’s Chinese improved a lot and he got good score in PSLE.

To 张迪老师 张迪老师的课十分有效,梓劼每年的中文水准都在进步,多亏有张老师的指导。听梓劼说张老师教他时很有耐心,也很会与孩子沟通。谢谢张老师!

学生:陈俊函, 陈世杰

家长:文徫和雯信 妈妈

My Teacher is very patient and understanding. The teacher is patience to make them understand question or areas that they are having difficulties with. I am glad to send my children to your tuition centre as I can see them building interest in Mandarin. Their composition did improve in their academic studies back in school. I have also introduce my friend’s children to your tuition centre Thank you so much 祝老师

To 张晓辉老师 老师非常尽责和友善。哲磊在老师的细心教导下,把中文掌控得很好。在学校的双语文化课程游刃有余。多谢张老师,给许多赞!


To 张老师 非常感谢您给伟阳的教导。他的学习确实有了进步。我觉得你是一个非常负责任的老师,总是尽力而为。赞赏。我希望您能继续给伟阳补习。谢谢!
Student: Jing Wen

To Teacher Sun Fang Teacher Sun is a very patient teacher. She is responsible and guided my child well in the lessons regardless physical or online. She also make sure all children participate in the class and make sure they understand.

刘芳老师: 我们的孩子每天回家都会给我们讲在华语课堂上开心的故事。感谢您将这种对华语学习的热爱灌输给孩子们。 很明显,在您的指导下,孩子们的识字和拼音能力有了显著的进步。您的帮助也将会加强他们在下一学年学习华语的能力和信心。 您在华语教学方面的专业知识也让我们放心。非常幸运您成为我们孩子的老师,看着他们这一年的成长真是一种享受,感谢您在我们孩子的成长过程中扮演如此重要的角色。
Parent: Lynn

To Teacher Zhang Xiaoyu
My Son, Tristan has been learning from Mdm Zhang and it has been a great experience. She is a thoughtful teacher who puts a lot of thought and effort to ensure he understands. Her lessons were engaging and useful. She’s very patient with my child and encouraging him to do better. His result improved and he showed interest in Chinese under her guidance.
家长:泓逸妈妈 p4

To Teacher Zhu. 老师很和蔼,也非常有耐心教导孩子。老师上课的准备工作很细致,不会给学生压力。希望在老师细心的教导下,华语更上一层楼。谢谢

To 张晓辉老师 从澤安K1 开始上华文课,可以看见他有明显的进步。在张老师的教育下,澤安学了很多知识,比如拼音和认字。很感谢您对孩子的鼓励,关心和耐心的教导。澤安每个星期都很期盼上您的课。

Parent: Joanne Chui Rui Lin

Joanne was not keen on learning Chinese in the past but after her tuition under teacher Zhang for half a year, she has shown much interest in speaking and learning Chinese. Teacher Zhang has been very patient with her students. Now Joanne enjoys and looks forward to going for her tuition lesson weekly despite the fact that she is quite tired after school. Thank you for building up her confidence in Chinese.

Student: Chen Guan Qi

My son has shown great improvement in his Chinese subject from borderline pass to band 2. Yu Cai has generated my son’s interest in the subject.
家长:君蔚妈妈 P5

To 张老师 张老师是一个认真负责的好老师,学校的运作安排都会及时通知我们家长。君蔚在老师的辅导下,在写作方面有所进步,也有学习到好词好句的运用。作为家长,我们也很开心看到自己孩子很积极自愿地去学习。谢谢老师的耐心教导


To Teacher Liu we are parents of existing student who is attending Teacher Liu class every Saturday. Teacher Liu has started the Chinese language learning journey with my girl since December 2020. She has been a very passionate and dedicated teacher who embraces every child’s needs in his/her Chinese language. Her caring and positive attitude has greatly impart a respectful model for the children. We hope that her good attributes will further contribute to the success of the school, children and lastly her goodself.